Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Although I love cooking and I know I'm good at it *ahem*, but it does get tiring sometimes you know? Having to come home and think what to cook, instead of eating straightaway made me appreciate having my mum around a lot more.

Anyway for dinner tonight I had no idea what to cook. Now, I love eating burger patties without the buns (weird, but whatever), as well as onions, garlic and carrot. So I thought, Hey why not just "campur" all together? Here's some step-by-step instructions if you want to try too.

Ingredients: Beef burger patties, 1 onion bulb, some garlic, one medium-sized carrot, pepper, soya sauce, sunflower oil.

Step 1: Heat saucepan with sunflower oil

Step 2: Pan fry patties, seasoned with pepper and soya sauce as well as a bit of sesame oil.

Step 3: While waiting for patties to cook, proceed to slice onions and carrots as well as chop the garlic.

Step 4: Pour boiled water on carrots and leave for 5 minutes to soften.

Step 5: Take out grilled patties and chuck the garlics in first, followed by sliced onions and lastly the drained carrots.

Step 6: With the aroma rising, return the patties back into the saucepan and continue frying until satisfied.

End product:

(I'm afraid the lighting didn't do it justice, but try it if you dare =D)

On a side note, I also cooked some Carbonara Fettucine a few nights back:

I'll be back with more pictures and recipes (if possible) next time. Till then, thank you for visiting and keep coming back. ;)

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